#InstaLook IanMcKellen: Caballero defensor de los derechos LGBT

#InstaLook IanMcKellen: Caballero defensor de los derechos LGBT

Cómo no caer rendidos ante la personalidad y carisma de un sujeto como Ian McKellen. Hoy en su cumpleaños numero 78, en U!M decidimos hacer un repaso o dicho de otra forma stalkeo de su instagram, para conocerlo más y por supuesto enamorarnos más de él.
¿Quién quiere un sugar daddy?

Su nombre  con todo y título nobiliario es, Sir Ian Murray McKellen.

Having a cuppa in #istanbul

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Ian McKellen, es quizás uno de los actores británicos de más éxito tanto  en teatro  como en  cine.

First day of rehearsals for #NoMansLand UK Tour begins August

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Ha sido nominado al Óscar en dos ocasiones y ganador de los premios Globo de Oro y Tony.

ALAN RICKMAN (1946-2016) There is so much that is matchless to remember about Alan Rickman. His career was at the highest level, as actor on stage and screen and as director ditto. His last bequest of his film "A Little Chaos" and his indelible performance as Louis 14th, should now reach the wider audience they deserve. Beyond a career which the world is indebted to, he was a constant agent for helping others. Whether to institutions like RADA or to individuals and certainly to me, his advice was always spot-on. He put liberal philanthropy at the heart of his life. He and Rima Horton (50 years together) were always top of my dream-list dinner guests. Alan would by turns be hilarious and indignant and gossipy and generous. All this delivered sotto, in that convoluted voice, as distinctive as Edith Evans, John Gielgud, Paul Scofield, Alec Guinness, Alastair Sim or Bowie, company beyond compare. When he played Rasputin, I was the Tzar Nicholas. Filming had started before I arrived in St Petersburg. Precisely as I walked into the hotel-room, the phone rang. Alan, to say welcome, hope the flight was tolerable and would I like to join him and Greta Scacchi and others in the restaurant in 30 minutes? Alan, the concerned leading man. On that film, he discovered that the local Russian crew was getting an even worse lunch than the rest of us. So he successfully protested. On my first day before the camera, he didn't like the patronising, bullying tone of a note which the director gave me. Alan, seeing I was a little crestfallen, delivered a quiet, concise resume of my career and loudly demanded that the director up his game. Behind his starry insouciance and careless elegance, behind that mournful face, which was just as beautiful when wracked with mirth, there was a super-active spirit, questing and achieving, a super-hero, unassuming but deadly effective. I so wish he'd played King Lear and a few other classical challenges but that's to be greedy. He leaves a multitude of fans and friends, grateful and bereft. — Ian McKellen, London, 14 January 2016 Photo: Ian McKellen, Greta Scacchi and Alan Rickman at the Golden Globe Awards, 1997

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Su labor ha abarcado géneros de Shakespeare y teatro moderno,  fantasía y ciencia ficción. Sus papeles más conocidos han sido en películas de gran éxito, como de «X-Men» intepretando a Magneto o en «El Señor de los Anillos» donde hace el papel de Gándalf.  También es famoso por su papel de villano en «El código Da Vinci»

Taking a break while filming #TheHobbit with Peter Jackson and Cate Blanchett.

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Una de las características que hace a Ian McKellen una persona excepcional es que es abiertamente gay y es un conocido activista en favor de los derechos de las personas LGBT.

Es uno de los miembros fundadores de Stonewall, una de las organizaciones de derechos LGBT más influyentes del Reino Unido, de la cual sigue siendo un portavoz destacado.

Dressing room Saturday Night Live 16 March 2002. Ian McKellen as Dame Maggs.

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En 1991, la reina Isabel II de Inglaterra le nombró Caballero del Imperio Británico.

Ian McKellen ha sido el último en sumarse al reparto de «Hamlet Revenant», la enésima adaptación cinematográfica del clásico de William Shakespeare dirigida por el británico Ken McMullen. Se espera que el rodaje comience a finales de este año.

#tbt 1989 ready for a performance of "Bent" #pride

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